The Old is Hidden in The New

In the fourth century Saint Augustine (354-430) stated that " the New Testament is Hidden in the Old and the Old clarified by the New" This quote is very powerful for it tells us that the time that we spend here on earth is much like Jonah being in the belly of the whale. He was entombed until he gained his freedom--his resurrection. Freedom comes when we understand how to take what's old and breathe new life into it. How to not ever fully reject old concepts; as they hold meaning and serve as a reference point-- as we travel on this dizzying road of information daily. The Old Testament in my view tells a prophetic story much like the story of our ancestry. If we search the Old Testament we will find things of the new and if we search the New Testament we will find things of the old. It is a collective story that when joined together create a sarcophagus of the events, events that are timeless. That even in today's time hold meaning. Our lives are much like Jonah i...