Blind Faith

Kikakou, a noted poet, has a haiku (a three verse poem) that eludes to a mother leading a blind child to see a cherry blossom. This poem holds great meaning in how we interact in our lives. We are constantly in a state of blindness with the universe and the people around us leading us. We go in and out of blindness, sometimes we are blind and sometimes we lead. Once we can come to know that in the blindness is where our lessons are uncovered --is where we hold onto to our faith in GOD. Trusting that he will not lead us wrong--trusting that the people that he has sent into our lives are his guiding angels. That will lead us out of our blindness--into the light.

If you can imagine with me covering your eyes and allowing someone to lead you, explaining to you every detail of what is around you. And once you have the vision in your head, then you can experience it for yourself, through your own senses and paradigms. This is the process of life --we are student then teacher. Some times we must block out our teacher role and become the student and other times we must become the teacher. And through it all we are at times blind and unable to see--only relying on our faith in GOD. Blind faith is placing all of your trust in GOD and believing with all of our heart that he will not leave us nor forsake us. Trusting that blindness is a good thing--it is in the moments of blindness that we learn more about ourselves. We rely on our senses and become like a child ---experiencing something for the first time. Our senses are in a state of wonderment that has a raw pureness to it, that awakens us to more truth that awaits.

I am convinced that the uncertainty of life can be directly correlated with being in a state of blindness--but the (a) surety in our hearts that blindness is GOD's way of taking our hand ---and leading us to more truth--gives us hope, that where we end up is--"divinely ordered."

So this week ladies remember that when you are in a blind spot in your life --that it is only " GOD" preparing you for more light.

Go Forth and Do Amazing Things!
Kind Regards,


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