
Outlaws are defined as people who have been thwarted from the family unit, because of  some perceived broken family laws. Sometimes becoming an outlaw can be the best experience one could ever experience. It forces one to define boundaries and to never allow anyone to cross them again. It is a period of assessing and reassessing and finding out who you are and who you are not. It allows you to see more clearly and to become more of yourself. One can render themselves a door mat for people to walk all over-- if they never set boundaries, Setting and maintaining boundaries are an important part of developing healthy relationships. In the moments of setting boundaries , it can be very lonely, people may turn away because you no longer allow free reign to your space and time. Or due to growth you no longer respond as they like. Don't be afraid of being lonely or alone when it means that you are in possession of yourself.  Especially when you are walking in your truth.

Being in the outlaw status can free you in a sense, it allows you to develop real relationships that are based on substance and not just what you can do. I have for many years tried to be whatever you wanted to have you in my life, even if it meant lessening myself to make you feel better. I have learned to be ok with saying "no" and to selectively share my "yes". I have learned to stop blaming myself for everything that goes wrong and look at the part others might play. Communication at times can be messy and a good deed may be perceived as bad when communication is not clear. Be patient those who want to understand the message will inquire.If not let them go...Some would love to keep you imprisoned for their own edification. Let them go..

As we grow ; sometimes we have to let go of some people, don't be afraid. GOD has new people to introduce you to, GOD has new growth in store for you. I have had to do things out of my character to remove people from my life --do what you must --but remove those that come to rob your spirit and not plant good seeds into it. Then Ask GOD for forgiveness and move on...

Outlaws are people to, they are at times misunderstood, before you place someone in outlaw status be sure that you are clear of the why behind their actions..

Go Forth and Do Amazing Things!



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