GOD's Vision includes our Flaws

Pauline Respress, Facilitator
When I think of vision, I think of the possibilities. All of the things that could be....All of the things that have the potential to manifest.Yes ! I am a visionary and sometimes my vision goes beyond the scope of what the human eye can see. I commonly see a blank canvass that has the potential to do whatever the mind can create. I don't understand when we become stuck in the " I can't mode' or "Its never been done mode ". I believe that this type of thinking is defeatist and it stops us from trying anything. It stops us from dreaming and hoping . And when we stop dreaming or hoping the potential for growth is stunted. We become stuck on the perpetual wheel of complacency.

Complacency isn't a bad place but it is a place that looks the same day in and day out and never ever allows us to step outside of our respective boxes. It is a safe place that is free from risk, because risking means trying something new and complacency has no room for change. It is a damp, dark box that infrequently allows in any light,because the light would in fact show all of the flaws and humdrum of it all.

We are all human and come to each other carefully flawed by our maker, but the key to it all is being able to see how our flaws illuminate one another, enrich one another. How when placed together we create a beautiful magnificent piece of art. Our flaws when infused in one another allow us to create an awesome vision. A vision that GOD has for us all, and that is working together ( flaws and all) towards the common goal of oneness with ourselves, with our peers and with the world around us.

So this week ladies as you craft your own personal vision be sure to understand that your flaws are like iron that GOD has implanted in us to allow us to be drawn to others as to sharpen us.

Go Forth and Do Amazing Things!

Kind Regards,



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