Christmas 2018 Reflection

As I reflect on 2018, I am just amazed and at awe of how God has grown me, things that have pained me for years are slowly moving away and I am beginning to see the "me" that I have worked so hard to master..Broken places are being healed and love is beginning to peak through to reveal its magnificent power,
Life is messy and at times it can feel almost overwhelming, it can literally take your breath away. But at the end of the rope is where God steps in and takes charge,.. if you believe it.. He makes things that were once muddy (clear)..he tells you who you are and who you are not. He is honest with you even when the people around you are not. He soothes, he comforts and most importantly he restores.
We all walk around with the facade of busyness, I'm too busy to spend time with you, I'm too busy to call, I'm too busy to check on you..Busy, Busy, Busy. But I have come to know that the busyness that we experience-- is really just you making time for what is important to you --And you know what?- that is a good thing. But just be sure that you busy yourself with things that truly matter and not use it as a tool of avoidance. I've done it all-- worked too much, loved too much, indulged too much, "Too much" is my middle name. But God and life has taught me to find a balance in my " too much" All of the above are good , but if done in excess can be lethal, something will be lacking.. Your life will begin to feel imbalanced and the only way to get back to your center is to empty yourself of the " too much" and ask God to restore your spirit with just enough of everything that truly matters.
As I move into 2019, I am forced to unravel more of me and to dive into my lacking. I will make every effort to find more of what I lack. I will feel the fear, of that in which I lack --and still dive in. Because I have come to know that on the other side of fear is where glorious growth resides. i will continue to seek GOD and ask him to show me more of me, the good and the bad and with his help restore myself in my broken places, in HIS timing--.Because you see, GOD's timing is not our timing, he works at his own pace, So my prayer is Lord give me the discernment to hear your voice and see your plans for my life. It is your will and not mine that I seek.

Merry Christmas
And--It is through Christ who strengthens me!


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