Opening Doors!

As we travel into the New Year.. I am reminded of a story that I was told of a man who wanted to paint a room in his house. He went out to the garage and gathered all of the items needed to paint the room, the paint cans, the paint brushes and a few drop cloths. Reaching for the door to open it --he realized that he had too much in his hand. But he still attempted to open the door anyway, dropping everything because he did not have a free hand.

Sometimes in life we have way too much in our hands and forget that we can sit a few things down... so that we can open the door to our future. Sometimes we have to take a few things at a times through the door to our destiny. Because too many things can become cumbersome and weaken our ability to achieve anything. Everything has a process and the basic human experience encompasses: gathering , putting down, opening and entering. We cannot take everything into our next phase of our life, at times some things must be left behind, so that we can successfully complete the task(s) in front of us.

Too many things in our hands can render us ineffective and we end up missing out on the opportunity to move forward. Our future becomes clouded in a sea of what was and not what could be.When we reach for the door to our future, the knob can not even be turned, because we have not put down enough things to open the door that leads to what's in front of us.

Putting down is a simple task ; yet for most it is the most difficult. It merely requires setting down a few things behind us, so that we can step inside of our destiny. Freeing our hands for more of what is in store for us on the other side of the door. Everything and everyone is not destined for our future. As we gather the things required for our journeys, we must decide before opening the door, what things to carry with us and what things must be put down. Only taking the things that are required to achieve our goals and that will make the ability to open our respective doors much simpler.

So this week ladies as you journey into the New Year, remember to put down what is necessary before opening your respective doors and carry with you those things that will enable you to achieve your goals.

Go Forth and Do Amazing Things This Week!

Kind Regards,



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