Education and Truths

It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.  ~Aristotle

I have grown to know that education can in fact open up amazing doors in the mind. Education is the one thing in my life that has allowed me to free my mind. To not so readily accept the accepted and to challenge those things that popular thought willingly receives. On my journey to finding myself and Christ. The one thing that has kept me focused is the ability to stay in a state of learning. To never rely on what I know as being factual, because knowledge is fluid and every corner that we turn disputes and challenges what we think we know. I used to think that confident all knowing people had all of the answers, but I now know that we all are really unsure. Because surety is fake--nothing is truly for sure. 

No one really has all of the answers, we are all traveling on an unsure journey that leads us to the things that make sense to us. The things that give us a sense of peace and confidence in what we know.  Finding where Christ resides in my life was my greatest epiphany, it told me that we all search for a sense of spirituality and we commonly seek it outside of ourselves--to find out that, what we are seeking from the things and people in our lives--lies at our core. It has always been with us --we just have to live a little to find out that it resides within us.

Education is the vessel that allows us to uncover the layers of truth about ourselves and the world around us. When we rely on solely one or two knowns in our lives then we cannot get to anymore truths.  We become stifled and closed to receiving new information. I am committed to being a life long learner exploring as many aspects of the world that I can find--- as to broaden my truths and my paradigms.  The world is way to vast to rely on one set of beliefs to close our minds to the many truths that surround us. When we find our set of truths.. we must hold them steadfast and then open our hearts and minds to the new truths that they uncover. Education is the key to unlocking more of our truths and the truths around us.

So this week ladies open your mind to education and watch your truths manifest.

Go Forth and Do Amazing Things This Week!

Kind Regards,


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