What is Driving You?

We get into our cars every morning and turn on the ignition, press on the gas and begin our journey(s). At times we pass the beautiful trees and the man standing on the corner --with not much notice. We are only focused on getting to where we have to go. Some are focused on making money, some on making purchases, and some on goals and ambitions. But when we are not in touch with what is driving us, we cannot really get to where we are going. We are simply driving with no real destination. We are placing all of our energy into something that has no end in sight.

I used to believe that I knew where I was going and that I had a divine reason as to the road I was traveling. But I know now that the road sometimes seems remarkably clear and other times not so clear at all. But that is the beauty of the journey--sometimes clear and sometimes foggy. In the times of fogginess is when we must go outside of ourselves to find clarity. It is the in and out motion that places us on our road. Going inside to reflect and outside to connect and gather meaning.

It is in the unclear moments that at times, I feel a little afraid ; and that I am simply spinning my wheels and not moving forward. But then I look around to see that even while spinning my wheels--I can still see progress. I can still see how far I have truly come. And a little light appears at the end of the tunnel, that although not perfect, I can see GROWTH.

The cocooned worm has manifested into a butterfly. I am becoming all that GOD will have me to become. My gifts have appeared right in front of me, who am I and who I was meant to be. Once we are able to see ourselves through the eyes of the creator --then the driving becomes seamlessly effortless. We can see ourselves driving hands-free.

So this week ladies make sure GOD, is driving with you --as to ensure that where you are going is what he has planned for you.

Go Forth and Do Amazing Things!

Kind Regards,



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