We are More Alike than Different

Pauline Respress, BAS, M.Ed
As I journey in my life, I realize one important ideal; and that is that we all are the same in a sense, yet carry with us an uniqueness. Once we are able to see our life as a wheel with spokes and a hub. The wheel being our unique selves , the spokes being the people that we connect with and the hub representing what we share or have in common with others. In the center of that Hub is GOD, who guides us to the people and situations who give us what we need.

When we can envision the wheel --then we can begin to see our lives as a system, that does not work without its sub-parts. The system theory states that," we must look at individual parts just as well as we look at its whole." This gives us a panaromic view of our parts as well as our whole. Allowing us to see the commonalities as well as the differences and not treating each part of our life with one broad stroke. Just as we must embrace our uniqueness- so to must we embrace ,what we have in common with others. Focusing only on our uniqueness keeps us in isolation from the whole. And wholeness is the goal--

We must make an effort daily to get in touch with all of our parts, each part requires our attention. Each part of us has unique needs that require our undivided attention. The more I live the more I realize that this journey is not meant to be done alone. God purposefully designed it to be traveled together. Just as the eco-system silently works together for the greater good, so to must we as humans.

It is amazing to watch army ants, they work seamlessly together to achieve a common goal to bring food back to the queen.On their journey various beetles that look totally different from the army ant-- joins in to help them to achieve their goal. This is how God magnificently designed our journey, people no matter their differences helping one another for the greater good. --And in the end we realize that we are really not that different, just different in our uniqueness.

So this week ladies embrace your uniqueness while opening yourself up to see what you have in common.

Go Forth and Do Amazing Things This Week!

Kind Regards


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