Take up More Space in Your World!

Pauline Respress, BAS, M.Ed
I often remove my fish from their tank to clean out their humble abode. I carefully pour them into a large basin filled with water. However, this time when I poured them into the large basin, I noticed that they did not venture out from one corner of the basin. It was as though they were froze in the small corner, unable to realize that there was more space to take up. This is much like humans-- we become so comfortable in our little spaces that we forget that their is an enormous amount of space around us ---that we can inhabit. That there are many opportunities daily to move outside of our boxes.

Fear can confine us to small places and rob us of our ability to see the potential to do things differently. Things as simple as helping a stranger or finding a new way to do and old thing. There are many ways that we can step outside of our respective tanks. But we must first realize that we have confined ourselves to a self-imposed box-- in a sense limiting our ability to do more. Taking the air out of our own balloon rendering it unable to float or rise above our current space. There are times in our life that opportunity knocks urging us to inhabit more space-- but we are tucked so deep inside of ourselves that we are unable to hear it, unable to receive it into our tiny spaces.

Taking up more space in your life only requires placing one foot in front of the other and moving away from the side of the pool, slowly allowing ourselves to move to the middle, so that we can enjoy a different view, a different experience. New experiences expand our space and stretch our paradigms into new shapes and forms. When we can allow our minds to see a larger space, then we can begin the work of building it. Tearing down walls if necessary so that we can expand the rooms of our mind. Once we have more space then we can invite in new experiences-- that will inevitably broaden our view and widen our space. Each time the mind urges us to explore, inquire or do things differently, we must take a deep breathe and  slowly and gently move ourselves away from the side of the pool.

So this week ladies step outside of your tank and take up more space in your world, it will inevitably free you from your self-imposed boxes.

Go Forth and Do Amazing Things!


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