Pure Joy!

Pauline Respress, M.Ed
It is said that birds grow their wings with no idea as to where they will fly. They have no sense of direction they merely take flight and land where ever the flight leads them, in hopes-- that it will be, where they are suppose to be. The goal is the act of flying. This is much like how I see my journey here on earth. The journey has no real paths, we are all traveling on roads that have no real destinations, what makes the journey eventful and meaningful is when we infuse in it our passions. Our passions give direction to where there is no direction. It is the wind beneath our wings,it allows us to fly and soar into unchartered territory.  It allows us to feel the journey in our spirit. It is through our passion that we can experience unadulterated joy..

There are many moments that I have experienced on this journey, but the moments that are memorable are when I have been living through my passions. The moments when time stops and I feel as though I am flying. When my tunnel vision kicks in and I see nothing more than that thing that drives me. It is a burning yet titillating experience. I feel empowered and fear all in the same moments.

Experiencing our passions for ourselves is like a inner explosion that sets us in flight. We are moving and don't even realize our destination- until we land. The ride can be compared to a roller coaster ride --speeding straight ahead, up and down, side to side, over and under and when we land we are exhilarated and fulfilled and ready to do it again. Our passion once tapped into can serve as a guide to let us know that we are living the life that is our truth, the life that we were designed to live. We know it by how we feel in doing it, if we feel joy-- then we are in the midst of experiencing passion. Knowing our passions will allow us to experience pure joy.

So this weeks ladies remember that in order to get to joy we must first get passionate...

Go Forth and Do Amazing Things This Week!

Kind Regards,



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