That is What I Do!

Pauline Respress, BAS, M.Ed
There was an old man that sat by a river, one day as he was sitting quietly; he noticed a spider that looked as though it was drowning in the river. The old man rushed out into the river and rescued the spider. As he carried him to shore, the spider stung him. The old man gently placed the spider down on the shore- and asked it-- why did you sting me?-- I was trying to help you. The spider responded, " that is what I do!". The next day the old man was sitting in the same spot and noticed that the spider again needed help. So this time he ventured out deeper into the water to bring the spider back to safety. Again the spider stung him-- but this time he asked the old man," why do you continue to help me", I am going to sting you every time. The old man responded, "because that is what I do!"

In life we will constantly be confronted with loving people who continuously sting us, but like the old man we must still try to help them. Knowing in our heart that our love can overcome a little sting. That our love will take the sting out of the spider. Love will soothe the spider and although he must do we he must do--we must do what we must do. Love him in spite of his nature to sting.

It easy to love loving people, but the challenge comes when we have to love our enemies, those people who live to sting and hurt us.Those people who have stinging at their core, because it is their only means to show who they are. Some people show that they are here on earth by their sting and some show that they are here on earth by their love. Just as we must come to know that the races need to see one another, so to must we see the mere nature of the spider. The spider stings because that is his GOD given nature, we love because that is our GOD given nature.

God doesn't see us by our individual natures but; by our ability to embrace human nature. Human nature is a system that works together effortlessly towards a common goal. The goal is to see the whole and its individual parts. To see that their is a reason that GOD implanted the sting into the spider and a reason that HE implanted love into us. The goal is to learn from each other. To see the beauty beyond the sting---To see the love while you are stinging. We all have a divine purpose and if it is to love-- or to sting --then tell the world  "that is what I do"!

So this week ladies remember that our nature was implanted into us for a reason--some of us are the stingers and some are the lovers of stingers.Whatever your role tell the world--" that is what I do"

Go Forth and Do Outstanding Things This Week!

Kind Regards,



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