
Showing posts from March, 2011

Real and Raw And I'm Still Not Bitter

Pauline Respress, M.Ed., Sometimes I see where I have come from and all of the painful experiences that I've had to endure, from childhood to adulthood. And I wonder why am I not bitter--why isn't fire spewing out of my mouth--why am I not bitching and complaining about my abusive childhood. A father that beat my mother senseless, alcoholism, mental illness , rape and the list goes on--you name it I have experienced it. I have been at my lowest points in my life --where at times it was dark all around me, but the one thing I had to hold onto were my dreams and my wonderful and magnificent imagination. I can remember standing by the fence in the school yard, in Philly-- probably about nine or ten--and watching the train that came by like clock work --The smoke from the engine appearing before the train and the excitement welling up in me --I would stand there eyes dazed over from another horror--but imagine in my head that the conductor would pick me up on the next trip and...

Pure Joy!

Pauline Respress, M.Ed It is said that birds grow their wings with no idea as to where they will fly. They have no sense of direction they merely take flight and land where ever the flight leads them, in hopes-- that it will be, where they are suppose to be. The goal is the act of flying. This is much like how I see my journey here on earth. The journey has no real paths, we are all traveling on roads that have no real destinations, what makes the journey eventful and meaningful is when we infuse in it our passions. Our passions give direction to where there is no direction. It is the wind beneath our wings,it allows us to fly and soar into unchartered territory.  It allows us to feel the journey in our spirit. It is through our passion that we can experience unadulterated joy.. There are many moments that I have experienced on this journey, but the moments that are memorable are when I have been living through my passions. The moments when time stops and I feel as though I am...

Walking On Water

Pauline Respress, M.Ed., We can learn a lot about faith by watching a mere leaf float on water. The leaf calmly floats even though it is surrounded by a vast amount of water. The leaf is not flailing it is accepting where it is and embracing it. This is much how I see faith. I see the spirit as the water and my physical self as the leaf.  My spirit guides me as to where I need to be, but I must trust my spirit to carry me. We become frustrated with our lives when we fight and begin flailing in our spirit. The spirit encamps us, it is our true north, but we must become like the leaf and allow it to guide us. It is a union that we must seek, in order to become one in ourselves. True faith is born out of understanding this union. When we can become silent enough in our heads we can marry the two-- and become stronger in our faith. And then when God leads us to a place, we must activate our faith and dive in--understanding that he will never allow us to sink. We will either floa...

I Am Powerless!

At times I attempt to render myself powerless, to feel the true essence of myself--the person inside that desires to just be in control of myself and my own space. As I journey I realize that in truth we all seek power, but as we age and mature we realize that rendering ourselves powerless-is really the only true power. When we understand that when we outwardly or inwardly attempt to manipulate and control people, it is only a temporary sense of power. This power does not last, it is only a instant gratification fix --that only serves to mask a deeper issue of inadequacy. One thing that I know for sure is that real power comes when we can surrender our own need for power over to GOD --and tap into his true power.  As I survey the world around me, I realize that power struggles are all around me--everyone wants what they want and will do whatever it takes to get it. I will not hurt you to fullfil an insatiable need for power, that is not how I operate--I would rather allow yo...

Open Your Fist

There are many stories told about animals who continually get trapped in the woods, because they would place there hand in a trap-- to get food; and then with a clinched fist, attempt to remove the food.  Each time they would clinch their fist, it wood activate the trap. This is much like how we love,  if we love with a clinched fist, then we can not open ourselves up for more love.  Love must be given and received with an open fist, as to not trap or suffocate our love. If you can envision with me LOVE being in your open hand; and you sharing it with another.  Now try to envision sharing that same LOVE with a closed hand. Which way do you think will allow it to flourish and allow you to receive more love? Love is all around us but we cannot experience it with a closed heart or fist. Life at times forces us to close our fist and our hearts due to all of the experiences that we endure.  But one thing I know for sure --is that clinching our hearts stop us ...


"I am in control of nothing"--this quote resonates in me straight to my soul. It tells me that whatever circumstances, people or things that are in my life --I have no control over them. I am a mere person that only has control over my self.--- My thinking, my doings--A friend of mine told me many years ago that when we try to control people and things, we lose control within ourselves. I cannot control what you think of me, how you react to situations. I only have power over my self. When we stop trying to control the people in our lives then we free ourselves to take care of ourselves.We allow everyone around us to just be--and recognize that everyone has a right to be as they choose and respond and react as they see appropriate for their lives. I honor myself and you by accepting you right where you are and realizing that in being ourselves we are honoring ourselves and others. Freedom comes when we acknowledge that the only person in control is GOD. And he guides us to ...