
"I am in control of nothing"--this quote resonates in me straight to my soul. It tells me that whatever circumstances, people or things that are in my life --I have no control over them. I am a mere person that only has control over my self.--- My thinking, my doings--A friend of mine told me many years ago that when we try to control people and things, we lose control within ourselves. I cannot control what you think of me, how you react to situations. I only have power over my self.

When we stop trying to control the people in our lives then we free ourselves to take care of ourselves.We allow everyone around us to just be--and recognize that everyone has a right to be as they choose and respond and react as they see appropriate for their lives. I honor myself and you by accepting you right where you are and realizing that in being ourselves we are honoring ourselves and others. Freedom comes when we acknowledge that the only person in control is GOD. And he guides us to people and circumstances to edify our growth in ourselves. Our job is to see him in the people around us and learn the lessons that he has placed before us. The lessons will repeat themselves until we acknowledge them. God will continuously place us in situations that will allow us to see more of ourselves through the people that enter our lives. It is almost like looking in a mirror and seeing either where we were or recognizing how far we have come--or even how far we need to go.

When we attempt to control people it places us in a prison of perpetuating old hurts and pains. Each time we attempt to control, we take ourselves back to the painful reason that we are controlling in the first place. And this pain continues on until we stop it. And choose to free the people around us to be who they are and live as they see fit. Everyone has a GOD given right to freedom and when GOD sets a man free--He is free indeed. And no human attempts to control can undo this.

So this week ladies remember that attempting to control others is a refute-less activity, it only imprison you more. So set your captive free----and you will become more free.

Go Forth and Do Amazing Things!

Kind Regards,



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