Open Your Fist

There are many stories told about animals who continually get trapped in the woods, because they would place there hand in a trap-- to get food; and then with a clinched fist, attempt to remove the food.  Each time they would clinch their fist, it wood activate the trap. This is much like how we love,  if we love with a clinched fist, then we can not open ourselves up for more love.  Love must be given and received with an open fist, as to not trap or suffocate our love. If you can envision with me LOVE being in your open hand; and you sharing it with another.  Now try to envision sharing that same LOVE with a closed hand. Which way do you think will allow it to flourish and allow you to receive more love?

Love is all around us but we cannot experience it with a closed heart or fist. Life at times forces us to close our fist and our hearts due to all of the experiences that we endure.  But one thing I know for sure --is that clinching our hearts stop us from experiencing the love that is out there in the world, in our homes, in our communities and our churches.

I have been burnt countless times because I have such a big heart, but I try hard to not allow it to harden my heart. You see.. I believe that love heals all things--some say that I am a dreamer and that at times this theory is unrealistic. But I have experienced too many times on my journey---the power that lies in and through simply sharing love. Everyone comes to the table with a different level of love. But our goal should be to deposit love into one another--as to soothe one another--as to fill up tanks that may be traveling on empty or just below.  Love is like a salve placed on a open wound--it covers the wound until it can heal itself.  It is like placing a splinter on a broken tree, to hold that tree in place until it can flourish on it's own.

Loving at times is a risk--but that is the beauty of it --each time we love, we open ourselves up to be loved. It teaches us to keep our hands open and not closed as to give and receive love more freely.

So this weeks ladies open your hands up wide-- so that you may experience the true essence of  love.

Go Forth and Do Amazing Things This Week!

Kind Regards,


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