Walking On Water

Pauline Respress, M.Ed.,
We can learn a lot about faith by watching a mere leaf float on water. The leaf calmly floats even though it is surrounded by a vast amount of water. The leaf is not flailing it is accepting where it is and embracing it. This is much how I see faith. I see the spirit as the water and my physical self as the leaf.  My spirit guides me as to where I need to be, but I must trust my spirit to carry me. We become frustrated with our lives when we fight and begin flailing in our spirit.

The spirit encamps us, it is our true north, but we must become like the leaf and allow it to guide us. It is a union that we must seek, in order to become one in ourselves. True faith is born out of understanding this union. When we can become silent enough in our heads we can marry the two-- and become stronger in our faith.

And then when God leads us to a place, we must activate our faith and dive in--understanding that he will never allow us to sink. We will either float or learn how to swim.. It is in the moments of faith that we truly see ourselves better. We are blind yet everything seems so clear. We feel a sense of fear-- yet feel empowered all at the same time.

 The blindness of faith is at times a mystery, that each moment and second reveals an amazing plot. It is like being blindfolded and then given various peeks of what is in front of us. When we can stop flailing in our spirit we can begin to really see the beauty of not knowing. The beauty of believing-- even though we can't actually see it. Each moment, hour and day is like opening up a present, that slowly reveals the power that lies in simply having faith.

So this week ladies remember that in life in order to live our destiny we must trust GOD and float like a leaf--and not flail.

Go Forth and Do Amazing Things This Week!

Kind Regards,



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