Add To Family ---But Never Take Away!

As I was preparing for an event recently,
my sister- n- law stated, in regards to a recipe, that--
" You can add but not take away "

This quote resonated with me-- because it spoke to how I view relationships. In our most sacred relationships-- such as family-- we can add to them by infusing our love, but we can't take away the love that already exist. The love of family is bonded and grounded with a long history sealed by blood and a phenomenal genetic DNA.

Our love for our family of origin will always remain intact, these are the people who know us the best, who know the little child that lies inside of us all. The goal is to add all of our God given gifts to our family--- because like a beautifully woven quilt.... our piece is very much needed to make the quilt whole.

At times we need to step back and reassess what gift needs to be infused to better the take the quilt in a new direction. Some quilts require taking out a piece and inserting a new piece in it's place..Some require simply adding a new piece that makes the quilt even better.

But the goal is to keep the quilt intact..adding to it but never taking away. This is much like our place in family, we need to stay in a state of reinvention to keep our family intact. What worked 10 years ago to secure the unit may not work today--time changes the mere essence of our family and the goal is to change with time. To allow ourselves to be free-flowing and metamorphosize with inevitable change.

There are some core values that are timeless, that through the years will remain the same..values such as open and honest communication, being trustworthy, gratitude and most importantly a true love of family. A true love of family simply requires adding to it-- but never taking away...taking a tattered quilt and continuously beautifying it...

Go Forth and Do Amazing Things This Week!

Kind Regards,



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