Love is The Answer...

The more I live the more I learn that love is the utimate healer of all that ails us. Got pain in your life? heal it with love. People being mean and nasty to you..heal them with love. Love changes things it allows us to take the focus off of ourselves and begin to operate from a state of compassion and understanding. Our world is so filled with people who are hurting and filled with deep pain, they don't need us to give them back what they give you..because then pain merely perpetuates. What they need is for you to cover them with the the unchanging Love of God. Buddha calls it namaste..I come to you in Peace. When we can operate from a state of Peace, we can flow a new energy into our environment. We can single-handedly change the core of the energy around us....and when love meets pain.. it soothes, it cradles and restores those around us.

Operating from a state of love at times can be very challenging; because, there are some who repel love, they are in such deep pain that they are unable or unwilling to receive it. But our task is to simply STAND on Love. It may take days, months or years before it is received. But the key is to stand on the universal concept that " love is the answer". My mother used to say to us, " I love you, but I don't like your ways"... At times this is the state that we must operate from-- loving those around us--in spite of their behavior..Bad behavior is a direct by-product of hurt and pain. So we deliver a direct and precise shot of love and compassion to those that display hurtful behavior towards us.We have the power to choose how we react to situations, we can either be a part of perpetuating the pain or offering a solution..Love!

Go Forth and Do Amazing Things This Week!

Kind Regards,



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