Recursive Learning!

This journey has taught me a lot over the past few months. I have learned that until we step out of our own way, we can not accomplish all that we dream. All that we aspire to have and be in our lives. The possibilities in life are endless when we can  begin to see life as a series of small occurences that connect and form what we know as our reality. Each occurence builds upon the last and we begin to see that the intricate puzzle begins to make sense. We see how everything if given the chance holds some relevance and really truly matter.

The hard choices and experiences that we have..shape us into who we are destined to be. Each experience teaches us and ecologically balances our internal equation.When we can allow life to carry us to where we are suppose to be..we begin to accept things right where they are with the understanding that things will make sense at its appointed we allow ambiguity to become our friend by trusting that no matter the outcome, everything happens as it should. Ambiguity further teaches us to open ourselves up to receive whatever lessons there are that we need to learn...fearlessly knowing that the lesson will either help us to add or subtract from our lives 

Fear is an amazing emotion it can stop us and it can also protect all at the same time. However, when we become fearless, it is not that we are absent of fear, it is that we no longer allow the need to protect ourselves to stop us from doing that in which we are destined to do.

As I move to a new level of wholeness, I will take the lessons of the past few months on my journey with me ...some will serve as a timeless knowledge... and some will be shaped into new knowledge.

You see..this is our task on this journey to take lessons and knowledge and recursively re-process them ..never allowing what we think we know as being the end of our learning, but keeping our knowledge in a fluid state --as to always be open to change and growth.

Go Forth and Do Amazing Things This Week!
Kind Regards,


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