Your Next Steps Are Ordered!

I am learning on this journey that no one is truly sure of what the next step will bring. The next steps that we take are new to us and new to the people around us. They are encamped by God's blue print for our lives and that blue print has only been seen by God.

However our goal is to walk with HIM and trust that he will carry us to where we are suppose to be. I recently ran into a car accident that happened in our community, where a young man was knocked off of his bike and lay in the middle of the street covered in blood, and the lady that hit him kneeling where he was knocked off the bike, rocking and praying and screaming out to GOD to help the young man. I ran to her assistance and held her and rocked with her and then suddenly a GOD centered woman came out of the crowd and stood with me to assure the young lady that she was encamped by strong believers.  I am convinced that GOD led me there, to assist in offering the young lady assurance that everything would be alright, to assure her that when two or more come together in prayer, all things are possible.

This told me that when we center ourselves in Christ that he will show up and show out. However we must believe in our hearts that our next steps are divinely ordered and that we need to only to believe and trust HIM. And when we ponder our next steps and the unsurety of them, we must know that all we need to do is to allow ourselves to get into the presence of GOD.. and ask HIM to order our footsteps..and rest assure your steps will be guided to where he wants you to be...

So this week ladies allow yourself time to get into the presence of GOD and watch him guide you to unimaginable places..

Go Forth And Do Amazing Things!

Kind Regards,



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