Turning ENVY inward

Sometimes when we are stepping into our greatness, our light shines so bright that it can make people retreat from us. Some people can not understand putting all of your trust in GOD and his majesty manifesting in your life. Some people may go away from you, but remember that it is not about you. It is about them not being ready to see your light. It is about them not understanding that when you place all of your energy into something.. that something will happen in your life, something will show up..something will manifest. This is a universal law.

I hate to say that it is envy, because I think higher of people. But sometimes it is just that..envy. Envy is an emotion that we all have--but it is also an emotion that can be redirected to empower us..not bring someone else down. I use my emotion of envy to better myself. If I see that you have something that I would like to have, instead of hating on you, I turn it inward to figure out how I can better myself to get that in which I would like to see in my life.

I try not to spend too much time trying to understand or analyze why you don't like me or why you could potentially envy me. You see..I don't see myself as being that great, but GOD sees me that way--- and if he thinks that much of me, then who am I to question HIM. I trust him and believe all of his promises to me. I believe that when he ordains our destiny, no man or emotion can get in the way of us obtaining it!

So this week ladies, when the ugly emotion of envy surfaces in your life, turn it inward so that it can empower you and not bring down another.

Go Forth and Do Amazing Things!

Kind Regards,



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