Passion, Pain, Pleasure

Passion is an amazing tool that lives inside of all of us. It is our passion that drives us into most of the things that we endeavor on this journey. Passion is that thing inside of us that attaches to our thoughts and gives them the fuel to turn mere ideas into reality.It is the silent urge that screams "oh so loudly" in our actions.

I am convinced that our passions are at the root of our pain as well as our pleasures. We can be passionately in pain or passionately in pleasure. Pain passion comes from a place of at times can force us to act..(good or badly) just to soothe the pain. Pleasure passion is derived from a need place-- a place that needs something to feel good. When we can come to know what type of passion is driving us..we can begin to channel our passions and filter them through God's plan for our lives. It merely takes operating from a place of " how may I serve " and then allowing your passion to take that idea and expand it into something that not even you knew was a possibility.

History has taught us that passion is necessary--it is in the moments of passion that wars have been waged and the greatest loves have been ignited.And without war and love..change cannot happen. At the core of all change--their lies someones unbridled passion.

Passion can be pleasurable, painful or is the yin and yang of passion that makes it such an enigma. Sometimes to get to change we have to experience the pain and pleasure of passion.  We must allow our passions to carry us into unchartered territory. And fearlessly know in our hearts that no matter the outcome, we are in the midst of living from our true selves.

The goal on this journey is to allow ourselves to operate from our true selves. And when we can attach this knowingness to PASSION, we are then able to experience " living out loud".

Go Forth and Do Amazing Things This Week!

Kind Regards,



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