I Kiss The Pain....

Life is wrought with painful experiences, but this journey is teaching me that when we can be come strong enough in ourselves..we can literally kiss the pain. And the pain then turns into a crystal clear understanding. It tells me that like a wounded tree, time, seasons and care cover it ---and heals it right before our eyes.

The life cycle of a tree tells us much about life, it teaches us that our most close relationships change and metamorphoses into new forms. And our goal is to patiently wait and embrace the new form. The pain requires kissing it over and over again until it no longer hurts--and we see it for what it really is...love covered and tattered by our experiences.

If their is pain in your relationships, absorb the pain--then in a quick and strong motion..kiss the pain..tell the pain --that it does not belong in you in the form of hurt. Soothe the pain with as much love as you can muster..then send it back to the hurting in the form of love, care and patience.

Our goal on this journey is to face the pain of our life and to cradle it until it can become bearable. Some pain must be ripped out and be displayed before us--so that we can see it's source. This is the only way that we can see it at it's core, so that it can be healed.

And like a tree that has a poor root system..the root must be repaired so that it can flourish. Repairing the root system is a difficult job, we must locate the root that is in pain and attempt to heal it-- before it destroys the entire tree. Some roots require a little love and attention and some must be cut out so that the tree will flourish and continue on to it's magnificence.

Whether or not the pain is kissed away or cut out --the goal is to replace it with love and not bitterness or disdain.

Go Forth and Do Amazing Things This Week!

Kind Regards,



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