In and Out of The Labyrinth

As I walk through this human experience, I realize that the more we open ourselves up to the flow of energy around us, the more we become more of ourselves. I had an epiphany about the green apples that I have scattered through-out my home. The green apple represents serenity and bliss and it is said that in the fairy tale, Snow White, that the Queen, who wanted Snow White dead, gave Snow White a poisonous apple, trying to take her place as the fairest of all--The Queen gained Snow White's trust by eating one half of the apple; while giving Snow White the poisonous side of the apple.

This is indicative, for me, of not allowing ourselves to trust people that are known to be untrustworthy, it tells me that in this life we will be given the proverbial poisonous apple over and over again, until we realize that people are whom they are designed to be and no matter how kind we treat them poison will still be poison. So I have learned that love is the remedy that awakens us from our proverbial slumber. It is the cure for poisonous people, it is the cure for people that really want the poison out of them.

You see there are some people that are magnets for poisonous people, they possess the one thing that evaporates poison, they possess the ability to LOVE. They serve as a sponge that absorbs the poison and sends it back to the poisonous in the form of love, compassion and understanding.

Nietzsche displays this most eloquently in the Greek tale regarding the Minotaur Labyrinth, where Ariadne held a string attached to Theseus as he ventured into is soul to slay the monster. Theseus could go into the Labyrinth alone, but he required Ariadne's love, compassion and understanding to guide him out of it. This is our task on the human experience to be guided and to guide each other, it is the in and out motion that allows us to continue to move forward on our journey.

So this week ladies allow yourself to be open enough to guide and to be guided..

Go Forth and Do Amazing Things This Week!

Kind Regards,



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