Stumbling To Clarity!

Everyday is a cumulation of experiencing the act of stumbling and  then on to clarity. We walk into situation with some clarity but realize halfway in that we begin stumbling. Stumbling is a natural part of humanness, because without stumbling we cannot find our way to clarity. Without making mistakes we can not find out the right way to do things. Sometimes doing the right thing is the wrong thing for some, it is not something that is accepted. In some cultures the act of tricking the mind that the wrong thing is the right thing is more accepted than actually doing the right thing from the beginning. I have come to know that when we stand on right and refuse to allow others to entice us into wrong, then the universe will open up a way for you.

As we stumble when begin to learn how to go through the right window or door, at first it is uncomfortable because we are human-- but just know that uncomfortability --is a part of the human experience. But the key is to continue stumbling, the act of stumbling is what gets us to more clarity. And more clarity is where the lessons are deciphered and begin to make more sense to us.

When we walk into a situation knowing that we have no real clarity, we must clear the way as not to hurt ourselves as we stumble. Then  position your walk around people and things that will help you to have a soft landing as you stumble. And then continue to stumble--stumble tall, stumble with all of the gifts that God has bestowed upon you, stumble with confidence, stumble without fear--stumble, stumble, stumble.

Go Forth and Do Great Things!
Kind Regards,



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