Walking Fearlessly Into Experiences

This journey has taught me many lessons, but the one that stands out the most to me. Is that in order to get to more of ourselves we must allow ourselves to be shaped by our experiences. We must understand that life is a series of occurences that poke and prod us into the fullness of ourselves. But we must allow ourselves to remain open to the experience, because being open is the only way we can get to growth.

Once we close ourselves off to experiences then we stifle our ability to grow. Krishnamurti a philosopher, says it most eloquently, " that all things are in continual change, a constant becoming.." We are constantly becoming more of ourselves through our experiences.

But the moment we attempt to thwart an inevitable experience we become closed and can potentially miss out on an opportunity to grow.  Sometimes out of fear of the unknown or simply unfounded fears. When we are able to feel the fear and the emotional or sometimes physical pain that at times accompanies an experience, then we can get to the other side of the experience. And on the other side of the experience-- is where we can get to clarity and see the true meaning of the experience. The walking to the other side of experiences teaches us that we are stronger than we thought. And that the pain and sometimes stress of an experience strengthens our resolve and prepares us to walk fearlessly into the next experience.

But we must first put one foot in front of the other and walk directly into the experience and allow it to carry us,--even if we are trembling, unsure or bewildered. We must in essence surrender to the experience, as to feel it, become a part of it and most importantly embrace it. Once we can embrace an experience and it becomes apart of us. Then it belongs to us and we belong to it. And we both are no longer the same--we are changed forever and open the way to growth and growing.

So this week ladies allow in experiences-- they are the catalyst that get us to more of ourselves and inevitably to growth.

Go Forth And Do Amazing Things!

Kind Regards,



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