I Love You-- But I Don't Care What Happens To YOU!

Pauline Respress, BAS, M.ED.,
The more I love the more I realize that when I remove caring what happens to you from the equation of LOVING, I am able to love you even more deeper, even more unconditionally. When we care too much about what happens to the people that we love-- we stifle the natural flow of experiences and turn our love into conditional love. We all are destined to have experiences that lead us to a deeper place in ourselves. And when we care too much we can turn innocent love into conditional love-- ie., If______ would only_______ I could feel ______. Love should be unconditional and no matter what a person experiences, it should not affect how much we still love them.

We all have experiences that we must go through and when we love, our job is to love you no matter what our mate experiences. We must separate our feelings or needs from the equation of loving someone. We are responsible for taking care of our own needs, when we combine our needs with loving another --then we become dependent on our love to meet our needs. We continually feel unfullfilled because we hold another responsible for taking care of our emotional needs.

Happiness is directly correlated with the ability to love ourselves enough to know that we are powerless over changing another, but we do have power in changing ourselves. Love means that I love you for who you are right now and I don't need you to change, so that I can feel better. I love your flaws and mine --and I choose today to allow you to just be. I can find those things that I seek to change in you-- in myself. When we can see each other--without conditions, then we are able to love each other without conditions. Hence --I love you--but I don't care what happens to you--becomes loving someone without conditions. Allowing our love to become fluid and each time we experience love--seeing the person for who they are and not who we would like them to be.

So this week ladies, remember that loving someone means that we don't place conditions on our love. Love means loving you for who you are--flaws and all.

Go Forth and Do Amazing Things This Week!

Kind Regards,



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