
At times we can stay stuck in what used to be--we have memories of who we used to be-- and those memories can at times-- stop us from being who we are today. I remember a time that I was able to just get a job with not much effort. It was as though I was miraculously put in a place that needed me. But as the years rolled by this mojo seemed to wain,--slowly.

So what do we do when we are not able to do what we used to do? When time and circumstances don't seem to match up---When hope and action has been activated--And all that we have worked towards doesn't seem to align with where we are.  In these moments we have to trust that GOD would not prepare us for something-- that he will not provide. He will not show us things in our visions that he will not in time- HIS time have us to experience.

Our goal is to stay in the mindset of change-as GOD introduces us to new experiences we must morph ourselves into who he aspires for us to be. We must practice daily the ability to re-invent ourselves. To take who we were --and like in the fairy tale Rumpelstiltskin --use our proverbial spinning wheel to spin the old into something fresh and new. This is reinvention at it's finest--deciding that we don't have to stay in the past--we can grab hold to the past and who we were and weave all that we were into all that we envision ourselves to be.

Reinvention allows us to know in our heart that GOD has a plan for us-- that is greater than we can even imagine. We simply must be open enough to receive it --and be willing to reinvent ourselves so that we can be fully present in experiencing it.

So this week ladies allow GOD in so he can turn the wheat of who you were into the gold that he aspires for you to be!

Go Forth and Do Amazing Things This Week!

Kind Regards,



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