You Must Believe in Your Dream!

Pauline Respress, BAS, M.Ed.,
When I begin to let you go in my spirit, I find that I can move on. Letting go at times can be extremely hard. We want to see the ones we love flourish, but we can no longer carry them. They must take responsibility for their own dreams and aspirations. My dream for you does not match your dream for yourself and I can no longer be used as your reason for not achieving that it which you aspire. It is so much easier to hold someone else responsible for not achieving your goals. It means that you never have to experience failure or success in yourself. You hold everyone else responsible for your inability to succeed, because you do not have the courage to go after what you really would like to see for your life.

I have been there, I stood in the shadow of my husband for many years, because I was too afraid to achieve what I really wanted for myself. I kept telling myself that next year I will do it--he needs me this year. Or I tried to make myself believe that a wife is all I needed to be. But it came a time when I had to stand up and look myself in the eyes and find the courage to feel my own inner vibration--my own burning desires. Once we can tap into our longings, then we can begin to do the work to achieve them.

Sometimes we get in our own way, by allowing fears and lack of confidence to guide us. Fear is false evidence appearing real, it is the old tape recordings in our heads that stop us from  moving toward our destiny. I know them all by heart and have lived and relived them my entire life. However, today when I am in the midst of living my dreams, I no longer allow the old recordings to get in the way. I know now that I am stronger than they are and that they are no longer loud ringing bells but merely whispers that I can blow away like a feather. My dreams belong to me and fear, low self-esteem, lack of confidence can never ever get in the way again. Dreams unrealized are a thing of the past--living and basking in my dreams is where I now reside. When we can match our inner dreams with the outer world, then we are traveling on our road to our destiny.

So this week ladies remember that our dreams are empty unless we believe in them...

Go Forth and Do Amazing Things!

Kind Regards,



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