
At some point in life we have to set boundaries. Boundaries are clear imaginary lines that we place between us and the world. Boundaries are necessary in order to keep people from invading our sacred space. Sometimes when we do not communicate to people --people infer that anything is game. That they can do or say anything to you with no consequences. If you can imagine with me for a moment-an imaginary circle around you --much like a hoola-hoop. When we invite people into our lives they live outside of that circle, until we willingly allow them in.

Everyone is not meant to be inside of our circle--some must always live outside of your circle. This does not mean that we don't communicate with them--it just means that they remain at arms length. My mother use to says that you--feed them with a long-hand spoon. I have always been open to everyone allowing them into my most sacred place--but I have learned on my journey that we maintain our level of peace, by not allowing in those that come to rob us of our joy. Those that have no regards of how hard we have worked on establishing and maintaining a sense of peace. 

There are no clear means of knowing those who comes to rob us and not enrich us. We must rely on good old-fashioned observation and inferences. My therapist once told me that --three facts is all you need to decide on whether or not you have invited in a robber or enricher. But I have come to know that inferences are based on prior knowledge, but observation is based on what I see in you right now. I choose observation as it allows me a richer view of who you are today. People show you who they are--we just have to open up our eyes and see them, open up your ears and hear them and then allow the holy spirit to activate our discernment.

So this week ladies ,remember that boundaries preserve our spirit from the robbers and then opens us up to the enrichers!

Go Forth and Do Amazing Things This Week!

Kind Regards,



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