The Lessons of Babylon

The Euphrates River is one of the most important rivers in the world.  Along with the Tigris, it provided much of the water that supported the development of ancient Mesopotamian culture. I love the story of the fall of Babylon, as it tells us what happens, when we take for granted what God has so graciously provided for us. 

In the city of Babylon, the king, thought that the walls around Babylon were invincible. He became so full of himself that he neglected to see the weaknesses around his fort.  So the gifts and resources that God so graciously gave the king and his followers --were used against them. The enemy was able to observe that the one flaw; that the wall around Babylon had, was the water that so freely flowed in and around it. The enemy observed that the water flowed under the huge wall, so they dug trenches under the wall to get inside and eventually topple Babylon.

God predicted that this would happen years before-- in the Old Testament, but the king never read his rule book--The Bible. The incident was clearly recorded in the pages of his forerunners, but because the king did not read it, Babylon fell. 

This is much like our lives we must read and study our bibles; as to be prepared for what's in front of us. "The Old Testament is hidden in the New and the New Testament clarified by the Old."-- St Augustine.

We cannot rely solely on one; as they are married to one another, through the stories of the past and present. They collectively tell the story of Our Father; and send to us the timeless messages, that we must embrace and understand to live in this sometimes chaotic world. 

Love and Grace were the river that flowed in and through Babylon. God gave them all of the tools that they needed to keep the city strong---but the king neglected to follow God's rulebook, so God left the gate open and allowed the enemy in. Our bible serves as blue print to protect us from what happened in Babylon, all we need to do is read it --and prepare ourselves for the inevitable enemy, that will come to topple our individual cities. We must arm ourselves with our faith, understanding that through faith we open the door to God's grace. And through grace our rivers flow abundantly.

So this week ladies remember that through FAITH we gain the grace of GOD; and with the grace of God we will not repeat the stories of our forerunners.

Go Forth and Do Amazing Things!

Kind Regards,



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