Our Real Truth

As we age, we come to view realness in an entirely new way. As the pieces of ourselves surface, we grab hold to them much like an awaited clue to a mystery. The truth of who we are burns and soothes us all at the same time. It is like being on a beach and finding sea shells, some of them are perfect and some are defected. We dust off the sand to uncover its beauty. Such is the case of finding our true self, finding what is the real truth--not the truth that we have settled with and for..but our authentic truth. There once was a man who was asked as to whether or not he would choose a boat or a map to direct him through his life. The man chose the boat, so that he could float through the sea of life, allowing the boat to deliver him to his destination. Some times on the boat he would literally float in one place ,for what seemed like days ...but he surrendered himself to the course that the boat chose.

When we chose to surrender to the reality that life is the truth teacher, it is our boat that we board that carries us in the direction that is ordained for us. GOD is the captain, who has the map. So we must choose to surrender to his guidance on our journey. His guidance will allow us to uncover our truths, sometimes all at one time and other times we will get pieces of who we are. Don't allow the truth about yourself to alarm you--it is designed to allow you to self-correct yourself or in some cases embrace the true "YOU". Sometimes we can do it on our own and other times the universe will help us to do it. We can no longer live behind our mask, it slowly cracks so that we can get a glimpse of our true self. As the pieces of the mask fall away, we slowly see the beauty that we have been covering, our true essence. That appears right before our eyes! As we age we begin to embrace the good and bad that lie behind our mask; and understand that truth is freeing, it is the lying back on our respective boats and inhaling each moment of truth that we uncover.

So this week ladies jump aboard your boat and simply allow it to guide you to your truths about yourself.

Go Forth and Do Amazing Things!

Kind Regards,



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