My Christmas Wish

My Christmas wish has evolved over the years. I used to wish for material things, but now I simply wish for peace. I wish that all of my friends and family find peace in all that they endeavor. I wish that the world would come to know that love is the ultimate healer of all that ails it. And that if we simply stop, look and listen we can find out amazing things about each other. We can look at what we share and not how much we are different.

Our differences are what make up this beautiful world, it is what we come to find interesting in each other. If we were all alike this world be a very mundane place and space. I wish that in warring we find out how to make peace with one another, oppose to finding ways to harm one another. I wish that our communities would recognize the power that lies in working together and joining forces and not finding ways to tear each other down. I wish that we find ways in our families to weave together our god given gifts to create a beautiful tapestry that is representative of our family history. That would make our ancestors proud! I wish that we as women would realize the power that we have in coming together and supporting one another. One women supporting another can change the life of each woman.

Women --Stop! holding in what you are feeling share it with someone, it will inevitably lighten the load that we carry. And men take your place at the head of your household, provide safety and security for your family, stand tall and let the world know that you are the head and not the tail of your home.

Men --Stop! letting your ego get in the way of you being the "man".Women simply want someone they can rely on when they need to rest. When geese fly they typically fly in a formation they form a sort of "V" shape with the head of the geese leading the pack, however when the head geese gets tired one of the geese in the back moves forward and takes the lead. (see picture above). This is what women need someone they can rest their head on when they tire of what they so eloquently do daily. Be there and lighten the what you must to support your family.

As we travel in to the New Year take some time to connect with family and love one another, forgive those that may have not been nice to you this year--choose to find happiness in your self and then spread it in your home, communities, churches and to the world at large.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Years

Go Forth and Do Amazing Things This Year!

Kind Regards,



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