Allowing the Universe to Shape YOU!

As the year draws to a close, when we look back onto some of our experiences, good and bad. We realize that they all were suppose to happen. They were all a part of strengthening us for what's to come. As the years roll by, I begin to realize that each year has built upon the last. Very similar to how the mastaba pyramids (see picture) were built in the Egyptian Age , they began building them as one big building that held the kings but later in the construction they were built with various compartments that held various rooms.One room on top of another....

Such is our experiences.. they begin as one big glob of experiences; but as the years roll around, they become compartmentalized into a more clearer understanding. We begin to move the experiences into there own rooms, where they become comfortable and cozy in our memory. Some memories we must discard because they do not fit into any of the rooms and they no longer have value or belong in any of our rooms. So as we discard our Christmas trees, so must those memories be removed from our landscape and placed behind us. God places people in our lives for three reasons: for a season, for a reason and for a lifetime.

When we can determine which of the three --the people in our lives fit into, then we no longer waste time on trying to keep people in our lives that don't belong. We understand that people that come into our lives for a season, are like angels that guide us to the next level in our lives. And the people for a reason come at the very moment that we need help. And people for a lifetime will be there no matter what happens to you. Once we can see people and events in our lives as gifts, then we can say to life. Bring it on--bring on the experiences and the people that will strengthen me and my walk. We begin to allow ourselves to be shaped by the universe, each punch reshapes our spiritual form, turning it into a new form.Each person we connect to is reshaped as well. By us merely connecting with one another. This is the key to the journey, allowing ourselves to remain "open enough" to be reshaped into more of ourselves, through our connections!

So this week ladies allow yourself to be open "just enough" to be reshaped by the universe.

Go Forth and Do Amazing Things This Year!

Kind Regards,



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