
Pauline Respress,BAS, M.Ed
The more I live.. the more I have learned.. that everything does not work out as planned. We can have the most gleaming plans and follow them to the nine. But sometimes they are just not what GOD has planned for us. I used to get upset and worry and stress about those things that didn't seem to work out. But I now get a sense of peace in my belly that tells me that it was just not for me. And what's for me will be for me. I now know that the universe will open up at times and appear to be preparing you for one thing, but GOD has plans for you to do something totally different. So I wait..and continue to do the work necessary to strengthen MY wholeness. Because I know that my inner wholeness will attract those things that are truly for me.

My authenticity in WHO I am in HIM will guide me to WHO HE wants me to be. WHAT HE would have me to do And.. WHERE I should be doing ...that in which... HE is preparing me to do.

Sometimes our human eye cannot see the larger plan, sometimes we continuously search ourselves for a problem, yet the problem is not about us, it not that we have not been diligent and obedient and focused and driven, because we have--But we neglect to see who we truly are, we neglect to really see ourselves as HE sees us. We want to be seen as average when in fact in HIM we are extraordinary.  Humility is a great thing but when GOD has called us to do an extraordinary job, we must step up to the plate and show the world our greatness, our magnificent-ness.  We must step out of HIS way and allow him to take the reigns so that he may do whats best for us.  Not what we see as best for us--But what he sees as best for us...This is the true essence of surrendering to GOD and relying solely on HIM. When we can become strong enough to surrender OUR will for HIS will. Then we are truly on the road to wholeness and authenticity in ourselves and in HIM.

So this week ladies as you travel on your journey, remember that we control nothing and that letting go of our will and grabbing hold to his will, will afford us a clearer view of our destiny.

Go Forth And Do Amazing Things This Week!

Kind Regards,



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