Speak your Mind

Sometimes we have to speak our mind, whether right or wrong, it is what we feel. I tend to see the positive in everyone and sometimes neglect to even acknowledge the negative. There is something in me that sees what's wrong but I choose to see only whats right in YOU. But I have learned that by only acknowledging the good in people; is unfair to them. It is the cowardly way of not confronting the bad in people and this allows them to continue to perpetuate bad behavior. This keeps me continuing to accept your bad behavior and YOU or I never really learns anything. This keeps you from being honest with me. And it keeps me on your good side so that you don't criticize me.

I was recently on a team that I had to assess my peers and although I saw things that needed to be changed, I still only saw the good in their skills. I now know that I did not have the courage to say anything bad about their performance because it was safer to see only the good things. I no longer need to feel safe and want to only make you feel better. I now know that in stating my true feelings, I am honoring you and myself.

Speaking our minds is sort of a risk that we take; sometimes it is well received and at other times it may ruffle some feathers. Speaking our minds does not mean that we must be mean--it just means that we at times temper our words. But we say exactly what needs to be said..and say it with confidence because it is how we feel.

The silence of not speaking our mind is at time deafening, it holds us captive and diminishes our space. I have always been a risk-taker but some how my voice has become lost in a maze of nicety and it no longer fits into my paradigm. I need to speak and tell you something that I have been waiting to say.

So this week ladies speak your thoughts loudly and proudly just because.. they are yours

Go Forth and Do Amazing Things This Week!

Kind Regards,



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