Our Life's Resume

Pauline Respress, BAS,M.Ed

We spend most of our adult life building a sparkling and magnificent career resume. We commit to our jobs all of our time and effort. We spend many hours problem solving,putting out fires and dealing with interpersonal relationship issues. Then one day we look up and realize how much time we have placed into a job. How much of the quality of our life we have forfeited for a job.

We all must work to put food on the table and to give ourselves a sense purpose. But we all also neglect to add as much fervor to our life resume.

Our life resume contains those things that bring us joy and purpose, those things that serve to connect us to the greater good. On my journey I have realized that at some point we must step off of the perpetual wheel of success and achievement and simply exhale and look around to see if our roads are leading to true fulfillment, true wholeness in our selves. We must take the time daily to commune with GOD as to replenish our spirits.This allows us a moment to gain clarity and to embody our wholeness.

I know that the demands of life can at times become overwhelming,but that is the exact time that we must STOP, exhale and connect to our source. We must remember that we are just as important as the demands that are being made of us. When we can do this, then we are adding to our life resume the true essence of the word multi-tasking--"the ability to take care of others while still maintaining care for ourselves." I was very good at taking care of everyone else,but truly incapable of taking care of myself.

I was borne into this awful trait. My mother did it and my grandmother did it as well. That was all that they knew, but the beauty of generational traits is that at some point someone in the generational line sees that it must change and sends into the future a new way of doing an old thing.  And that is finding a balance in committing to our life, just as much as we commit to the other equally important demands of our life.

When we can achieve this, then we have added to our life resume --a very important quality that the work industry is paying more attention to-- and that is someone who can manage a job as well as manage their own life. And managing your life entails filling up your life's resume with rich and healthy experiences such as volunteering, personal care, fun, interpersonal relating, spirituality and a sense of self-knowing(ness) these things serve to create a more balanced YOU.  One that understands the true essence of serving. And that is the ability to serve others as well as serve ourselves.

So this week ladies as you continue on your journey, begin to add rich experiences to your life resume as to
create a more balanced YOU.

Go Forth and Do Amazing Things This Week!

Kind Regards,


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