
I have grown to know that people need space and time to grow. If we continue to intervene in others lives they are not given the opportunity to grow in themselves. I have also grown to know that sometimes helping another can really be hurting them. Some people are in the midst of getting their lessons and when we intervene, the lesson is never really learned. I have had so many times in my life when I was experiencing a pain staking lessons and there was no one there to rescue me, but when the lesson was over, I walked away stronger and more experienced in that area.  Everyone needs to be afforded the opportunity to pay for their own learning, because in the end , the learning belongs to them and it can never, ever  be forgotten.

You see,  GOD strengthens us through our experiences, our experiences are like movie clips that we tie together and at an appointed time in our life, the movie begins to make perfect sense. All of the experiences form a sort of puzzle that each new experience eventually completes.

Maturity and age play a vital part in when we get to our AHA moments,the moments that pieces of the puzzle begin to form whole pictures and we begin to form a clearer understanding as to what the lessons were really about. We seek to undertsand and not be understood.. We begin to see patterns and understand people better. We look for opportunities to listen more and understand more. Because we now know that the clues to finishing our puzzle and getting to our AHA moments lie in our experiences and our interactions with others.

How many time have you been in the midst of a storm? and someone said a word, a phrase or shared a memory with you that stirred up new thought in you? These are the moments that we are connecting and creating meaning in our lessons. And if someone intervenes at that moment by helping you, the lesson for you,could be lost and a opportunity to grow.. forfeited.

So this week ladies help only when necessary, helping another is a great thing; but be sure that you are not robbing them of their lesson.

Go Forth and Do Amazing Things!

Kind Regards,


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