I Shall Fear NO Evil..

"Ye though I walk through the valley of death I shall fear no evil." This is such an amazing bible scripture. It tells me that no matter how much evil is thrown my way, I will walk with my head erected and shall fear not the circumstances that I may endure.

I have a screen saver on my lap top that has the picture of a formation line of german sheperds. And gracefully walking passed them is a small cat that is looking straight ahead as though the evil looking sheperds are not even there.

This screen saver reminds me that even when the winds blow and the storms rise, that I can continue walking. Trusting that GOD will protect me from all evil. When we get into the presence of GOD and ask for his grace and protection. we become unstoppable and fear no longer is a factor in our lives. We know whom walks with us and we become like David who did not fear the lion, because he knew who had his back.

As I grow into my full woman(ness) I realize the importance of walking with confidence in who we are and who we are destined to be. When we fully embrace our destiny, we know that no matter what happens to us, good or bad; it is all about our preparation for kingdom living. GOD is molding and shaping us to walk our kingdom walk. You see..what happens today.. is in preparation for another time and place.

So our task is to absorb all of the lessons in preparation for our final assignment. You will know because everything that you have toiled over,worried about and was unclear as to the purpose,will make absolute complete sense to you. The light bulb will come on and you will have arrived at your final destination.

So this week ladies as you walk your kingdom walk, remember the scripture." I shall fear no evil"..., it will protect you as you travel into your destiny.

Go Forth and Do Amazing Things!

Kind Regards,



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