Growth and Growing

Growth and Growing is an amazing place to be in. It is a place that I can look back and look forward at the same time. It is a place that tells me that I am OK right where I am. It tells me that this is where I am suppose to be with certainty. Growth at times challenges us to really look in the mirror and see ourselves, past the scars and the external-ness of ourselves. And looking ourselves directly in the eye and seeing our soul. Seeing the true person that all of the make-up, hair and clothing served to mask. Seeing the little girl inside and being able to embrace her and tell her that we are OK and that all that we have endured and struggled through has been for a purpose. And that the struggle has all been about growing and growth and that we can now walk together congruently into our destiny.

Once we have aligned ourselves with our soul and understand who we are meant to be, we become free. We begin to see the journey as a fun-filled experience that is no longer work. But doing what it is we were designed to do. I once had a job that I told myself that I would literally do it for free and I now know why--it was because my soul was free in doing it. I lived to do it and while doing it time stood and everything around me turned dark, I could only see that thing I was doing and it was because I was in the midst of experiencing my passion. That thing that I was designed to do. That thing that made me feel free...

As we grow we realize that doing what we were designed to do is in fact directly correlated with our happiness. It is in those times that we see and experience pure and unadulterated joy. In our heads we see ourselves walking and at times skipping in a field of daisies. Because we feel inside a sense of freedom, that the external world can only imagine. We see people and circumstances in a different light,because our light inside forces us to see the world from the inside out. Once we can see the world through our own paradigm(s)  free from the loud and sometime intrusive cries of the world. Then we have arrived at what Krishnamurti so eloquenty calls, "A free state of mind".

So this week ladies remember that growth and growing serve to move us closer to freedom in ourselves.

Go Forth and Do Amazing Things This Week!

Kind Regards,



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