Doing Me

Sometimes we have to simply wait, simply sit quietly and wait for that in which we have worked so hard to achieve. God has his own time to manifest things in our lives. He can't give us all of our blessings at one time. If so we would not appreciate the journey to the blessings. The little things that when joined together help us to see what God is trying to tell us. I am experiencing a period of nothingness that I am taking the time to connect the dots,to see what patiently waiting can do for me. I am not used to doing nothing,in my head it says that I am not being productive , not adding to the gross domestic product.

But in fact this period is allowing me to groom some necessary skills while in my holding status. I am working on things that I have wanted to see in my life for a very long time. It is as though God has placed me on a self-vacation that all I am able to see is ME.  And what it is I want for myself. I just want to be alone and hear my own voice in my head and talk with HIM  for further direction.

My soul is saying rest for now.. I can't hear anyone else..I am feeling the vibrations of my own thoughts, my own feelings and becoming one with them. This period is allowing me to make sense of the journey and that is what I live to do..construct meaning. I will have to join the world soon and when I do--I want to keep this place in my head. It is a place that is all mine, that I can bask in me and my spirit. I can shut out the world and hear me and my from what others may think of from the what others may need from me..Simply free to be me...

So this week ladies as you travel on your individual paths remember to take time out to just DO YOU.

Go Forth and Do Amazing Things This Week!

Kind Regards


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