A Constructivist View on "Life is But A Dream"

Boy have I learned a lot over the past few years. My life has taken many twist and turns that have bent me into unimaginable places. Aging is a beautiful thing it allows us to begin to see life so differently. Over the years I have continued to ask myself, when will the light bulb come on? when will I begin to see things clearer? It seemed as though I was in the maze, that kept me turning in different directions, I knew that their was an exit; but I just could not seem to find it. It kept eluding me..it kept calling to me.. that it was there ,but I could not seem to find it.
In steps 45 and I look around and everything seems to be brand new, everything seems to make sense. It is as though the light came on and no one told me that it was being cut on. People make better sense, situations bring clarity and not frustration. I am calmer and know that life is simply a scavenger hunt --that we collect things along the way, for a later time. And one day all of the items begin to make sense, begin to fit together like a beautiful jig-saw puzzle that is merely missing a few pieces.You begin rowing your boat--gently down the stream knowing that " life is truly but a dream"
I am a constructivist in my thinking and believe that life is merely a cumulation of our ideas and dreams coming together to form a beautiful mathematical equation, that has no solution or meaning, yet feels so right. You have a sense of peace in your belly, that tells you that all is well, even in the midst of a storm. You know that even in a storm, that the storm has more to do with learning than the experience itself. You welcome the next storm and the lessons that it brings, because you now know that in the midst of the storm, in the eye of the storm is where you truly see YOU. It's where you truly see all that you are and all that you have to become. It is like taking and a mid-term exam to test your knowledge, you realize after the test,where the gaps in your learning are and what it is you need to really study more. "Life is but a dream", this quote says that life is truly what we make it, it is more about how we package our meaning of life than life itself.
So this week ladies as you row your boats, down your streams, remember that life is more about the meaning that you make of it, than about the experiences that you endure.
Go Forth and Do Amazing Things!
Kind Regards,
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