
Sometimes when we are coming into ourselves, when we are defining our paradigms of who we are and what we want for ourselves. There may be moments that we doubt ourselves, that we look in the mirror and say who am I really and what is it that I am attempting to accomplish. These periods are normal, they are periods that we are shifting into who we really are and we are accepting our current circumstances yet still aspiring for what we see for our lives. These periods are growing periods that we are taking stock of our lessons and connecting them to the people and world around us. We are letting go of the things that block us from truly getting to what we see for ourselves in our head.

I can clearly remember twenty years ago standing on campus and simply dreaming of where I am right now and today. I was talking with a friend but in my head I was soaring to my future. I was dreaming about being married and owning a home and moving far way. I can also remember walking across the stage at graduation and again soaring in my head as to where I would go next. Each stage of my growth has taught me to stay in the present, yet still envision and aspire for that in which I desire and see for my life.

Growing pains do not have to stop us from continuing our walk, they merely help us to walk a little better. They are the war scars that remind us that life is real and that anything worth having is worth experiencing a little discomfort to have it.

Age and maturity has taught me the lesson of gratitude and staying in a state of it.  It has taught me that the simple things are the most pleasurable things, like waking up in the morning with someone that loves you and will do anything for you. Having a roof over my head that is safe and secure. And most importantly having the third string in our life, the string of GOD.. that has taken our home and our life to unimaginable places.

To look at my husband and see him growing in leaps and bounds, makes me realize that if I don't achieve anything else in this life, my husband and I have developed a strong and lasting love that is timeless and will span throughout our lifetime. If today or tomorrow my marriage should end, I have experienced true love, love that only GOD can provide. You see, GOD gives us all what we need in our mates.We just have to pay attention. Our mates add and subtract from our lives to help us in our growth. It is a spiritual journey that molds and shapes us for what GOD has planned for us. Some may do it without a mate and that is OK as well, as long as you stay in a state of gratefulness and keep GOD ever present in your life. Because HE is the true sustainer of all life and living,  he is in fact the piece of the puzzle that we all so desperately try to figure out in ourselves, once his piece is placed in our life, clarity and discernment appears and we are no longer  searching. We are found! and awakened.

So this week ladies as you journey through your growing pains, trust GOD and stay in a state of gratitude.The universe will open up to you and give you clarity.

Go Forth and Do Amazing Things!

Kind Regards,



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