What Others Think....

When I am focused on what others think, it keeps me in a state of insanity.When I am so focused on how others may feel , I lose the true essence of my own ideas, my own creativity.Focusing on what others thinks, drains our energy and keeps us paralyzed in our thinking.

One of my heroes Iyanla Vanzant says it most eloquently," when you have an idea created by YOU--keep it to yourself."Sometimes when you share it with others, your thinking is distorted by what they may think or feel.Noone should have the power to force their way of thinking on you, unless you willfully allow it.

When I am focused on Christ and only how he feels about my thinking --my thinking becomes fluid and flows freely. He guides and shapes my thinking to his liking, and yes the world may not like it; but who do I want to please? GOD or The WORLD.

Today what others think, is a mute point.I am too focused on walking my journey with GOD and allowing him to take my thinking to a holy and pure place. A place where "what others think" has no place. So when I hear the voices of "what others think"---they are drowned out with "What GOD thinks!"

So this week ladies focus on what GOD thinks of you and not what others think, take a moment daily to check in with him and he will silently confirm/reject your thinking.

Go Forth and Do Great Things!

Kind Regards,



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