Transforming Reality

Possibilities like hope open up an entirely new way of thinking,they take a roadblock and turn it into a stepping stone.But we must grab the reality and shake it up then turn it upside down if necessary, to locate the possibilities.They are there we simply need to stretch our minds to tap into them.
Reality is merely what we see in the physical sense, but our spirit is not limited to the physical .Our spirit can supercede the seemingly impossible feat.Our spirit can see the reality and achieve the supernatural.But we must know and commune with the source to our spirit, CHRIST--the first mover and shaker.When we tap into to CHRIST; our reality can be transformed and made anew.
So this week Ladies remember that reality is a physical state, but knowing and communing with Christ transforms the harshness of reality into the unbelievable possibilities.
Go Forth and Do Great Things!
Kind Regards,
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