"Perfectly Imperfect"

No one is perfect, perfection is a fleeting characteristic. It can keep you constantly chasing an unrealistic status.We attempt to create a world in our heads that others at times see as perfect, but no one really knows the story behind our glory.

No one really knows how hard you work daily to just keep it together,how you challenge yourself to conquer your fears, how you try very hard to stay God-centered and focused in a world that is cold and calloused.

"Perfection" is my enemy. I work hard "to just get it right, (just) some of the time".Some of the time is fine with me, because that says that when I get it wrong, I get to learn something about myself and others." Learning and growing" are my friends, because they keep me fluid, they keep me on the cutting edge.They allow me to see my imperfections clearer.

I say today that I am perfectly imperfect, because I now know that my imperfections are those things that GOD has placed in me, so that I may move closer to HIM and allow and trust him to shape and groom them to his liking.

The journey is all about identifying and embracing our imperfections and gently handing them over to GOD--when you can let go of them and give them to HIM, you will find that they will become merely verses of your story that propel you to HIS glory.

So this week ladies hand over your imperfections to GOD, and he will show you how to use them to glorify HIS will.

Go Forth and Do Great Things!

Kind Regards,



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