We Must "Be Love" to "Have Love" ....

This journey is teaching me a lot of things, but the most profound lesson that I have learned is that in order to have love in our lives, we must be the love that we want to see. It is easy to be hate, because hate does not require much work, hate does not require-- practicing forgiveness or understanding or compassion; it merely requires finding reasons to not do the work required to get to more love in our lives. Loving at times --can be messy, it requires letting down all of our guards and diving into unknown places --while abandoning all of our fears and reservations. Loving is an action word, it is the rolling up of our sleeves and allowing ourselves to be vulnerable enough-- to take the punches that sometimes accompanies getting to love. We all come equipped with artificial guards that protect and soothe us--they are the warm blankets that protect us from the world. But sometimes in order to get to more love-we must be willing to lower our guard and share the love...