Heal Fear-Mongers With LOVE!

Fear is an amazing emotion it can fuel us or fight us. When used effectively it can be the spark that pushes us to a new level. I choose to reject people or things that use fear tactics to stop us. I have come to a point in my life that I am willing to take the risk of losing everything to preserve the core of who I am. At my core, lies a fearless source that knows the power that lies in and through standing up to those things that fear us. When we address the core of fear, we find that it is merely old tapes that we have created ourselves, some have some real aspects to them, but most are our own pre-conceived notions. Fear mongers are real, they are normally people who have no power in themselves. And they choose to attempt to fear others to gain power in themselves. At the core of fear-mongers are people that are lacking in their lives and have chosen to take the focus off of their own lives as not to resolve what ails them. The remedy for fear-mongers..is...