
Pauline Respress, BAS,M.Ed., I often find myself in a state of confusion when I place my trust in man. The more I grow the more I realize that I must never place my trust fully in man. Man will at times shake us to our core if we place our trust in them. Trust is a very funny animal at times--one action or inaction can in fact shoot a spear through those that we trust. We begin to question whether or not the person is trustworthy and the cycle of doubt begins to seep in and taint our ability to trust. This is when we must place our trust in GOD and ask him to protect us and even us. Even us-- so that we can first trust him and then allow us to walk with him as we encounter untrustworthy people. Trust at times can be fleeting, even elusive. Because at times it is hard to decipher who comes to help or hurt. Sometimes the devil comes to us disguised as a lamb ; and when our instincts kick in and sends up a red flag--we must ask God to streng...