Right and Wrong

I have been writing for the past five years, writing about my journey to wholeness. I started out as a fragmented person. One who had pieces of herself but nothing seem to connect. Over the past five years the pieces have slowly begun to come together. I can see the remnants of a whole person forming. But one day I realized that after all of the work, I still struggled with right and wrong. I had spent so much time in trying to stay on the right side of everything, that I failed to see that I was afraid of what I perceived as wrong, I was afraid of the judgement, the side eyes that I would receive if I ever did anything wrong. Being on the right side of everything at times is tiring and boring. It forces us to chase perfection. The right side is judgmental it separates us from the real world that is filled with right and wrong. My right is your wrong and my wrong is your right. There are a plethora of views. Everyone has their perception of what is right or what is wron...